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2 Important Documents Every College Student Must Have in Texas

Posted by Natalia V. Bevilacqua | Apr 29, 2024 | 0 Comments

Going away to college or turning 18 is an exciting time in a young adult's life.  Getting ready for this new step in life is a time of mixed emotions: being "so over" high school, excitement for what's ahead, fear of missing the familiar school, home & friends, grad parties, moving into dorms, school shopping, tears, and joys.
Are you at least 18 years old and are about to leave home for college?  Do not leave without these two important documents:
Financial Power of Attorney.  
A Power of Attorney allows someone you trust, such as your parents or a relative, to handle financial and practical matters for you.  Being busy, studying abroad, or dealing with a serious health issue are just some of the reasons you may be unable to take care of important practical matters for yourself.  With a proper Power of Attorney, your trusted person can help you with many tasks:
- Managing your bank account
- Paying your rent and bills
- Renewing your car registration
- Filing your taxes
- Applying for financial aid or other government benefits
Advance Healthcare Directives.   
When you turn 18, you are legally an adult.  Your parents, the same people who loved you and took care of you all these years (and possibly are paying or helping pay for your college), can no longer make medical decisions for you, even if you are experiencing a medical emergency, such as a sudden serious illness or an accident.  In some situations, they may even be unable to get an update on your condition.  Medical Power of Attorney in Texas is an important legal document that allows another person you designate to make medical decisions on your behalf.
How It Works:
You can have these important documents custom-made for you by a Texas-licensed attorney without ever having to leave your home. 
Step 1: Fill out this form
Step 2: Schedule a Zoom or FaceTime consultation with an attorney here
Step 3: Make payment here
Step 4: Sign your documents with an online notary
College Student Special: $399 - Attorney Consultation, Financial Power of Attorney, and Medical Power of Attorney
May 1, 2024 through August 1, 2024

About the Author

Natalia V. Bevilacqua

Florida and Texas Licensed Attorney


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